Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Being unemployed kinda sucks

It's 4:18 p.m. and I've just spent the last hour meandering around Craig's list.org looking for nothing. I'm wearing green sweatpants and a purple shirt because the only people who see me have fur and 4 legs. I'm debating taking a nap. Everyone I know has a job and therefore is unavailable to hang during the day. Damn it! I'm bored.

I used to think being unemployed would be a dream. I would sleep late, wake up, watch a DVD, do some shopping, read; you know all the stuff you wish you could do when you have to work. Instead? I get up at 6 a.m. every morning and spend the rest of my day fielding calls from recruiters that never seem to go anywhere.

And Monster? I don't have a job, so the chances of me buying a Harley are slim to none. Perhaps I could get a different pop up ad?

Tomorrow I have a try out day at a Company. I went on the interview on Friday, and the guy asked me to come back tomorrow to spend the morning with the woman I'd be replacing. I know it makes no sense to me either. They haven't talked money or anything with me, but I guess he's interested in hiring me? Or maybe not... maybe he's just trying everyone out instead of interviewing them? The actual sit down interview lasted about 8 minutes. And I actually said one of my strengths was that I am funny. Ummm, if you have to say it, you're not. And When it's number 2 on your list of strengths, you're probably going to be unemployed for awhile. But I'm kind of looking forward to talking to another human being for a couple of hours. And then I think I'll stop by Best Buy and use one of my gift cards on Guitar Hero II & the Sims Seasons.

I'm really bored.

I'm going to watch some of the DVDs I got for Christmas but was too busy to watch when I had a job....

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

To the Vet

Last Friday I took Aloysius to the vet. We had a terrible time. He was sleeping when I swept him up and into his carrier. Then I hoisted all 17 pounds of him outside and into the snow. Since I was too lazy to shovel around my car, I had to slip and slide my way to the backseat. Once he was in and situated, I started the car, put on Ron and Fez and attempted to listen over his screeching meows. Once I got to the vet, he wouldn't come out of the carrier. I unhooked the lid and removed it, and he launched himself onto my chest. The Vet Tech managed to wrangle him onto the table to take his temp and weigh him, and the actual face to face time with the Doctor was very easy. The ride home, not so much. But we lived to tell the tale. So tonight when Brownie & Beejay had their visits, I some home managed to get Mr. Pants to take them both! Hee. And since Brownie pees in the carrier every time I can only imagine how much fun they're having.

While I'm waiting for their return, I'm browsing the want ads (still no job and it's getting to the point where unemployment is not that much fun) and eating cake. I took a 20oz can of crushed pineapple and a box of Angel Food Cake, and a teaspoon of coconut extract and mixed them all together: baked it in the oven at 350 for like a half hour in a 9x13 pan. It's delicious! I highly recommend it if you're looking for a lowfat treat.

I saw The Queen over the weekend. It was awesome. I really enjoyed it. The acting was superb, and the plot was very interesting. Helen Mirren really deserves the oscar for her performance.

They're back from the vet and Beejay has to go back in 2 weeks for dental surgery. I'm freaking out because I read it's bad to put a cat under. Off to research.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Same thing different place

Today is my first day of unemployment! Things are different, yet the same, starting with the super bowl last night. I was excited because I could have a couple of beers. I had 1, opened a second, lost interest in it and moved on to hot tea. I was up until midnight which is a first for me on a Sunday night, and I didn't take a sleeping pill. Which means I slept like crap. I woke up at 6:30 like it was a normal Monday. I got up, went to the bathroom, woke up Mr. Pants and listened to O&A until Mr. Pants left. I did some laundry and started packing for my trip to Florida tomorrow.

I've spent the time in between packing doing exactly what I did at work: Listening to Ron & Fez, reading the Days Of Our Lives Early Edition, perusing the boards at TWOP and generally goofing off. Around 11:30 I had to leave my house to go to the bank.

FUCK! It's cold here! I think the high is supposed to be 15 today. I stopped at the drug store and wandered around buying crap I don't need. So way to manage the money situation, loser!

I have 2 giant suitcases packed for an 8 day trip, which seems a little nuts. So I'm back to packing again - but YAY! It's going to be in the 70's all week! Woo-Hoo.