Sunday, July 29, 2007

The rich are different

I'm sorry it's been so long since my last entry. I was having a hard time deciding between my dream job and a job. It ended up that I didn't have to chose, as dream job claims they won't have the funding to create this position until the new fiscal year (in January). So with no choice left I went with a job.

A job involves me providing administrative support to the VP of sales. We sit approx. 2 feet from each other in room the size of a bathroom. He ignores me. The president of the company hates me. Everyone else seems rather nice, but the customers? They're different. The other day a man called up, rather frantic.

"I have a problem in my conservatory," he said.

Is it Colonel Mustard with the candle stick? Should I send Professor Plum?

I don't even know what a conservatory is.

I'm out of my league here.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

What I'm addicted to

Lately I've been addicted to these things:

Reese's Elvis Cups - OMG! Super Yummy. Have been driving out to Walgreens daily to pick some up. If only I could find the bag of miniatures.

Guitar Hero - I am the epitome of unemployed. I spend my day in my underpants playing video games. I suck at this worst than any game I've every played, but I adore it. So far I can only get 5 stars on 1 song on easy, but I play it every day for hours.

I love these cats: - even the odd writing doesn't bother me.

Simpsons stuff - I can not stop buying this crap. It doesn't help that Mr. Pants brought home a six pack of buzz cola, 2 character straws and an Apu Pen. I know the movie is going to suck diddly uck but I'm excited nonetheless.