In the past week I have painted, cleaned, climbed ladders, hauled boxes, moved furniture alone, cursed, cried, laughed and ate my weight in pizza but it's official, we are home owners. Now if someone would just unpack all these boxes.
There are deer in the yard. And it takes me 45 minutes to get home from work but only 30 minutes to get there (why is that?).
We have no cable or internet (Hi new neighbors - you should secure your internet connection).
Bean scratched her nails to bloody lil pulps in the carrier on the way up here - she's fine now, and the plus is that she and Beej are best buddies now.
It's snowed everyday since we got here (not a lot mind you, but still SNOW!).
I don't know my new phone number.
When I drive home from work, I usually slam on the brakes when I get here because I'm always about to drive past it.
I have done no Christmas shopping and am starting to freak out.
I don't like being here alone at night with no curtains on the windows (and O&A talking about home invasions yesterday has just made me more uncomfortable).
California Tortilla is kinda gross.
I'm exhausted. So I'm off to bed - but we're here (and we're queer! We don't want anymore bears!) (which has also the ep we've been quoting since settlement -"let the bears pay the bear tax - I pay the Homer tax!" "that's the home owner tax, dad")