Sunday, January 27, 2008

I put the A in Anti Social

It's early. Or at least it's early for me. Mr. Pants is still snoozing, but I've already started doing laundry and had breakfast. The whole day is spread in front of me like a blank sheet of paper. I could watch Food Network and do nothing. Or I could finish Duma Key in my library. Or I could watch these 3 Netflix movies. Or I could clean my house. Unfortunately cleaning will most likely win.

We had a nice weekend. Yesterday we got up and went to breakfast. We went to a diner a town over, and the food was awesome, but the meal was very awkward. Sitting at the table next to us was my childhood best friend. I glanced over and saw her sitting there and immediately thought "That's Baby B - I should say Hi!" I figured I would wait until she was situated and then go over and say something. Except once she go her two little ones in their chairs, she picked up her cell phone and started to loudly argue with her husband. I leaned over to Mr. Pants and explained who she was. He's said "She's annoying." Suddenly she screeched "Everything always has to be all about you, Jason!" and hung up her phone. Still debating going over and saying something, I tried to mentally prepare myself. It's probably been 12 years since we saw each other and let's face it... I look like I'm wearing a fat suit now. Then she picked up her phone again and made her little daughter explain to "Daddy why he should go to New York".

That's when I decided fuck it and just kept my back to her the whole time. Back when your best friends were decided based on the proximity to your house does not necessarily transcend into adult friendships. Obviously we live two totally different lives (I honestly can not think of the last time I hung up on Mr. Pants - if I ever did) and what would I say? "Baby B? Remember me? We used to spend every waking moment together from Kindergarten to 6th grade - so how have you been since our last college drunken meeting? Really? Well, it's good to see you and be nicer to your husband!".

Is it weird that I wouldn't say anything? My brother thought I was crazy not to at least say hi. But somehow it seems okay to me.