Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hey Stranger

The excitement on Days of Our Lives is so great, I can hardly stand it as I watch Kate & Will play scrabble. Why do I watch this shit?

I am starting to hate my new job (hey it's almost been a month). I was hired as an Admin / bookkeeper, but have spent every day in the warehouse packing boxes for shipping. Luckily I have an interview next Friday, so perhaps I won't be there long. Although I do like the people very much at NEW company. I just hate the work.

My pop starts chemo on Monday. I'm freaking out worried about him and where we're headed now. I have a very bad feeling about this, but hopefully things will work out for the best.

We got a new sofa this weekend. It's super comfortable, but it means that we had to toss out the old sofa. I cried. I'm not normally a sentimental fool, but that sofa was a huge part of my life. I sat on that sofa at least once a day for the last 33 years. Really! It was the sofa I grew up with. My mom had it reupholstered at least 3 times, it's probably close to 45 years old. When Mom & Dad moved into their smaller house, Mr. Pants & I took it in. It held so many memories. I remember when I had to be hospitalized as a kid, and when I came home I spent most of my time laying on the couch. I remember laying on it with my mom as she would read to me. I remember kissing my first boyfriend while we were sitting on it watching "Heathers". I remember sitting on it with Mr. Pants watching "Higher Learning" during our first couple of dates. I remember sitting on it with my dolls in Jersey as Mean Brother threatened to use me as payment for the dryer repair man. Ahhh... gross, cat fur ridden, lumpy and uncomfortable brown burlap sofa; you will be missed.

It looks kinda of pathetic sitting on the curb waiting for the trash men to take it away.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hey Twitchy!

The underneath of my left eye has been visibly twitching since yesterday morning. I am getting plenty of sleep, am not stressed out at all, take a daily vitamin (all common fixed for the "twitch I've read on line) and and in general good health. EXCEPT - that last May the left side of my face went numb for an extended period of time ( about a week). My Doctor was on vacation at the time and his partner was so worried about my face that he called the hospital and a Neurologist in front of me and in a rather panic-y Pete way described my symptoms. No one was particularly worried because I'm fairly young, don't have a history of stroke in my family and seemed fine except for the numbness and a slight droop to the left side of my mouth that only the Doctor could see (and this Doctor had never seen me before - I have an overbite and I think that's what he was noticing). Eventually it stopped and I never bothered on the follow up.

But yesterday I woke up with a twitchy eye and today the area around my nose on the left side of my face has a pins and needle feeling. I'm having family in from out of town tonight, but I am rather convinced that I may need to go to the emergency room. I'm sure it's nothing.

I think I'll nap for awhile and see if that doesn't help.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

My mom loves cookies

My mom has Alzheimer's. Which has been weird and very fucking stressful. Last year I made her lace cookies, and she kept talking about how good they were. At really odd times. Since she's been home I've made them for her 3 times. I wonder if she really likes them, or if it's just one of those things stuck in her head?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Plant killer buys a Killer plant

So yesterday I bought a Pothos plant at the Acme. We had a Pothos in my old office, and I loved it. I would often spend an hour a week, pruning, watering and talking to it (hey, I couldn't spend 8 hours at TWOP a day) and I sort of missed it. I haven't bought a plant since we moved in here 9 years ago. I killed the ones outside & the spider plant inside within days. Plus Al thinks plants are his personal salad bar.

But yesterday I was feeling springy and happy and decided to buy a Pathos. I brought it home, set it down and Al headed over for a delicious treat. As I stood there watching him snack on it, I thought I better check if this is poisonous to cats.

It is.

Al's fine. But I can't wait for this plant to die so I can throw it out. Right now it's perched on top of the water cooler. And it's looking a little sickly.