Friday, April 06, 2007

Hey Twitchy!

The underneath of my left eye has been visibly twitching since yesterday morning. I am getting plenty of sleep, am not stressed out at all, take a daily vitamin (all common fixed for the "twitch I've read on line) and and in general good health. EXCEPT - that last May the left side of my face went numb for an extended period of time ( about a week). My Doctor was on vacation at the time and his partner was so worried about my face that he called the hospital and a Neurologist in front of me and in a rather panic-y Pete way described my symptoms. No one was particularly worried because I'm fairly young, don't have a history of stroke in my family and seemed fine except for the numbness and a slight droop to the left side of my mouth that only the Doctor could see (and this Doctor had never seen me before - I have an overbite and I think that's what he was noticing). Eventually it stopped and I never bothered on the follow up.

But yesterday I woke up with a twitchy eye and today the area around my nose on the left side of my face has a pins and needle feeling. I'm having family in from out of town tonight, but I am rather convinced that I may need to go to the emergency room. I'm sure it's nothing.

I think I'll nap for awhile and see if that doesn't help.

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