Sunday, June 24, 2007

2 more weeks of loafing

So that interview I posted about? I got the job. I start the 9th. I'm super nervous and excited and worried. I hope I'll like it. I have a pro & con list that's like a mile long and full of silly little things, but I am going to push a head and accept that I am rejoining the full time work world.

No more reading comic books in the afternoon. Or having a Gilmore Girls a thon. Or going to the movies while everyone is at work. No more long lunches with my folks or breakfasts alone at the diner with a good book. No more staying up till midnight. No more Wii bowling at noon.

Buy YAY! To the return of a weekly paycheck.

And it has prompted Mr. Pants and I to think about buying our first home. So double YAY!

Today we saw Shrek the Third. It stunk. It was by far the worst of the Shrek movies, and not worth the $19.50 it cost for the 2 of us to go the theater. Plus I got KitKats instead of Sour Patch Kids and regretted it immediately as the movie started. It's not a movie without SPK.

So I have 2 weeks to do whatever my little heart desires. I am trying to put together a list, but so far eating junk food and watching DVDs seems to be at the top. And sleeping till noon. Perhaps I'll go to the shore on Tuesday.... or maybe I'll burn off my last unemployment check at the Track!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Is $25 too much to spend on 16 peanut butter cups?

Somehow I don't think so.

I NEED these. NEED. If you spot them anywhere, drop me a line... I'm hearing will be shipping around July 7th and I'd rather not buy 16 of them.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Jack this

So, last Thursday I noticed that the pallet jack was missing at work.

I wandered out to reception and asked Dana if she'd seen it. She said no and then got up to help me look. (Pictured above is the jack). She asked me if Boss #1 could have taken in with him in his mini van.
Perhaps it was upstairs?
Maybe it was in the coat closet?

I felt like I was on an episode of Sesame Street. Where would a pallet jack fit? I kept explaining it's size and she kept looking in smaller and smaller places.

When I called Boss #1 and left him a message that the jack was missing, I never thought Friday would turn out like it did.

I showed up at 7:30 to find Boss there and furious. He yelled at me for a good ten minutes about the cost of the jack, how it could have gotten lost and how I was to call the trucking company and demand that they bring it back. If they told me they didn't have it, they were fucking LYING and I should accuse them of such.


I called the trucking company and they found the driver for me. The driver said boss #2 was there when he picked up (I was not) and told him to use the jack, but to leave it outside, which he did. I report this to Boss #1 whose new plan is for me to go door to door in the business park and ask if anyone has seen the jack.

I walked out and hid in the bushes and smoked for an half an hour. Returned and said no one had it.

I've decided to talk about them as much as possible in hopes I'll get dooced.

I HATE this job.

Monday, June 04, 2007

But this time I'm nervous

So I have an interview tomorrow. Again. Or another one. But this is for a REAL job, with a REAL company, not some weird back-asswards freakazoid suck-a-polozza like my current job. I can not get over how shitty my current job turned out to be. This weekend Violet & I were on the boards in OC and we saw a kid wearing a tee shirt from my current employer and Violet wanted me to run over and scream "Stupid Fucktards is a Sweatshop". Which it actually is, as I am not allowed to have air conditioning in the back room. If I get hot I can use a fan or open the receiving door. Which I did the last time and a bird flew in. When I explained that I have an irrational fear of birds, I was told to "suck it up and get back in there". Whatever, douches. There's a reason this position has turned over 3 times this year - and it's soon to be 4!

So today I came home and got out one of my suits to wear tomorrow. I can not get over how excited I am to wear a suit again. One of my requirements was that I wanted to be able to dress down. After 3 months of dressing like a kid going to camp (for example today I wore overall shorts, sneaks & had my hair in pigtails) I long for my heels, my skirts, my dress slacks. Hell, I'm even going to wear panty hose tomorrow (if I have any).

And this job has a title! And it's not Slave Girl. Woo-hoo! Of course I am probably counting my chickens way before they've hatched, but if this doesn't pan out, I'm going to start temping.

I took the sweatshop job, and turned down all of my other interviews because I thought I had found the job that would at least get me through the summer. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I would be sweating to the oldies in a warehouse all summer. Perhaps I should have thought things out better. Now I am kicking myself for turning down job offers. Maybe I would have like working with Foster kids, or selling mystery shop services to Companies.

Oh well, wish me luck!