Sunday, June 24, 2007

2 more weeks of loafing

So that interview I posted about? I got the job. I start the 9th. I'm super nervous and excited and worried. I hope I'll like it. I have a pro & con list that's like a mile long and full of silly little things, but I am going to push a head and accept that I am rejoining the full time work world.

No more reading comic books in the afternoon. Or having a Gilmore Girls a thon. Or going to the movies while everyone is at work. No more long lunches with my folks or breakfasts alone at the diner with a good book. No more staying up till midnight. No more Wii bowling at noon.

Buy YAY! To the return of a weekly paycheck.

And it has prompted Mr. Pants and I to think about buying our first home. So double YAY!

Today we saw Shrek the Third. It stunk. It was by far the worst of the Shrek movies, and not worth the $19.50 it cost for the 2 of us to go the theater. Plus I got KitKats instead of Sour Patch Kids and regretted it immediately as the movie started. It's not a movie without SPK.

So I have 2 weeks to do whatever my little heart desires. I am trying to put together a list, but so far eating junk food and watching DVDs seems to be at the top. And sleeping till noon. Perhaps I'll go to the shore on Tuesday.... or maybe I'll burn off my last unemployment check at the Track!

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