Sunday, September 07, 2008

Bully is Me

Back from Vacation and trying unsuccessfully to ready myself for the return to work tomorrow. We had a week. There is no adjective there for several reasons:

1. It may seem like a lovely idea to spend a week at the beach with your husband, brother, sister in law, niece, nephew, brother in law and best friend. It is not.

2. When 14 year old nephew tosses sand into 10 year old niece's eye during happy hour on the beach, 4 mildly panicking, drunk adults and one sober one should not make the trip to the emergency room. And by toss I meant stacked an obscene amount of sand into her eye, to the point where the entire corner of her eye was full of sand. For the rest of the evening, you would look at here and see a glob of sand rolling down her cheek.

Why would a 14 year old do that? He was "pretending to fling feces". And he's not developmentally challenged. Or so they tell me.

3. All I could think during the above mentioned incident was "We're heading back, Tod's got zesty Italian in his eye".

4. BFF and I went for Massages. Husband has been complaining about his back pain, he went for a massage that for some reason involved his ass being rubbed for hours.

5. My BiL had never heard of an Ocelot. We were having a discussion about how the Ocelot is the favorite animal of a coworker of mine. BiL: "Why does a grown man have a favorite animal". "I remember the first time I heard of an Ocelot. It was when you started telling this story".

6. The day I went for my massage, we went to the zoo in the morning. When I got naked at the spa, climbed under the sheet, I realized that she probably wanted me to climb between the sheets. As I was sitting there with sheet in my hand, she walked in, I quickly clasped it to my chest and announced "I went to the zoo today" and fell backwards onto the table. I thought it would distract her from my being wrong in the sheets - all it did was prove I'm awkward.

7. My BiL decided that I'm a bully and that people are afraid of me. Which really pissed me off, and made me realize he's right.

8. By Thursday I had had it with everyone and started trying to plan my escape.

9. Next year am going away with just husband.

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