Monday, November 16, 2009

You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down?

Quickly! Ketchup! Catsup! Catch Up!

NaNoWriMo is eating my soul. Evidently I still suck at doing anything on a deadline - as if my less than stellar high school & college years weren't indication enough. I am woefully behind in my novel and I HATE IT. I am half heartedly plugging along but mostly am thinking I will work on my outline more and hopefully restart using the book the boy got me in January.

What I think is hilarious is that this blog was supposed to be the thing that helped me write every day (it didn't). So really, I was never going to be able to force myself to write 1700 words a day - Every day. So I'll keep trying. We'll see. Maybe I'll surprise myself. And really? Thanksgiving is a whole bunch of time I don't want to spend with my maybe I'll write.

I saw a Serious Man over the weekend. Not exactly the Cohen Brothers best work. I'm still wondering exactly what the niche is for that movie.

I am reading "The Dome". Stephen King needs a better editor.

That's it. I'm reading, writing and seeing sorta bad movies.

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