My depression, she lingers on. Although today had two incredible high points. I snuck out to lunch in a restaurant today with Monkey. The break was most welcome, even if we did spend the entire time talking about work. Then Freddy plopped himself in my office for over 30 minutes and discussed his sex life in explicit detail. I know more about that dude's sex life than I know about my own. I work at a job where people feel very comfortable telling me stuff. And in some cases it has been awesome - there are 2 people that I feel like I will be friends with long after my work there is done - but some folks just talk because they like to talk. Freddy likes to talk. I know how he eats his wife's pussy, I know how many times his girlfriend cums, I know how many times he can get it up in a night. Seriously. The only person I am comfortable having those types of conversations with is the man in my life, not the fat chick in the front office. But whatever, because it totally cheered me up.
Last night I cried and cried and cried. To the point where my eyes were a swollen mess. Then I opened Pet Semetary and covered myself in the simply written words of Stephen King. Trust me, I am no literary snob, but I am mildly embarrassed at times of my love of Stephen King. When I'm sad or upset, I turn to The Stand, Pet Semetary, Cujo or another King book. Frannie and Stu, Donna and Vic, Louis and Rachel, they're like old friends to me. Yeah, I know their tale (almost by heart) but it makes me feel comforted. Today wasn't much better, but I have a big night planned of eating and watching movies. So hopefully tomorrow will be better.
My vagina still hates me - but now I get to stick yogurt in it. I'm like some granola eating hippie chick going for the natural cure.
I am looking forward to the long weekend. Violet and I have some plans, Mr. Pants and I have some plans, Bear and I have some plans, and I am going to get drunkity drunk drunk at least 1 night. Sometimes the boozing helps reset my depression back to normal level. Of course sometimes it doesn't work and I sink even lower. I guess we'll see.
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