So I have been inspired to write here daily. 10 minutes a day. That's it. Whatever I can pour out here in 10 minutes gets posted. I want to write more, and a friend told me that's the best way to do it. So be prepared for some awful crap.
I have successfully kicked the Swine Flu without a hoof or curly tail appearing. I slept 24 hours between Monday and Tuesday. It was not as lovely as it would seem. Unfortunately my illness sent me spiraling into a huge depression. There is something about lying on the bathroom floor, under a blanket and every so often lifting your head to vomit copious amounts of soup into the toilet in your tiny rental condo that makes you realize "I could die here and no one would no until tomorrow or the next day". I'd like to think my friend who has a key would totally miss me if he didn't hear from me by Noon or so, but I don't know. I'm a lonely girl. My guess is that someone would notice the pile of paperwork on my desk by Friday and sent someone over to check on me. So that's how my death will be discovered. One of the idiots I work with will wonder why their jobs haven't been closed and perhaps one of them will take a ride over to see if I'm alive.
My cold also made me terribly homesick. I missed my bed. My pillows. My cats. Having a person who would make me a milkshake. And soup. And who would offer me the elixir if I was pukey. So I cried my eyes out for a good portion of last night and probably made someone a little uncomfortable. Sorry about that. And thanks for listening and not being all judgy.
And no, I only took 1 fish mox before I realized I was trying to treat myself with FISH AMOXICILLAN. WHAT THE FUCK? HOW FAR WILL I GO FOR A JOKE?
The answer is unfortunately pretty fucking far.
10 minutes NOW. I'm off to get my monkey sheets out of the dryer and finish my friendship bread.
Friendship bread is the new chain letter.
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