Sunday, May 10, 2009

Easy like Sunday Morning - or a Slutty Drunk Girl.

Check me out - 9 AM on a Sunday and I'm up and typing away! Yay me!

I spent a whole bunch of time yesterday with my folks. It was really nice. My dad is awesome. He is the one person in my life who has constantly been supportive of me. So much of who I am, the person that I grew up to be came from that man. I know it's mother's day and I should probably be thinking about my mom and how sad her current state is, but in all honestly, she did a pretty crappy job of raising me. She consistently made me feel bad about who I was, what I was doing and was the primary reason that I had to get away and ran straight from home into the crappiest relationship ever. I left one physically and emotionally abusive person for another. But that doesn't matter, because I am totally better now - see - all fixed!

Wow. This is some heavy shit for 9:05 AM.

Last night I watched Wendy & Lucy. I wish I could describe how the movie made me feel with some type of accuracy. It was beautifully shot and Michelle Williams was lovely as always - but the sadness in this movie was amazingly large. And not the sobbing type of sadness of Steel Magnolias, but the bone cutting sadness that stays with you for days afterward. Tonight I may watch The Wrestler and then only happy movies on the Netflix queue for a while.

Okay. It's sunny and early and I found a coffee shop that has S'more flavored Lattes. And I'm making cupcakes today. And chex mix.

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