Sunday, January 28, 2007

Famous Final Scene

So this has been running through my head all weekend as I think of my last week of work.

Words and music by bob seger

Think in terms of bridges burned
Think of seasons that must end
See the rivers rise and fall
They will rise and fall again
Everything must have an end
Like an ocean to a shore
Like a river to a stream
Like a river to a stream
Its the famous final scene
And how you tried to make it work
Did you really think it could
How you tried to make it last
Did you really think it would
Like a guest who stayed too long
Now its finally time to leave
Yes, its finally time to leave
Take it calmly and serene
Its the famous final scene
Its been coming on so long
You were just the last to know
Its been a long time since youve smiled
Seems like oh so long ago
Now the stage has all been set
And the nights are growing cold
Soon the winter will be here
And theres no one warm to hold
Now the lines have all been read
And you knew them all by heart
Now you move toward the door
Here it comes the hardest part
Try the handle of the road
Feeling different feeling strange
This can never be arranged
As the light fades from the screen
From the famous final scene

Creepy, huh? But I kinda look at this job like a bad relationship that's finally ending. I've had it for over 9 years... and the last 2 years have been torture. I think next Monday is going to be weird, but then I leave for Florida on Tuesday. So really when I return on 2/14, things will be really strange. To be home for 2 weeks? Hasn't happened since I was 15.

Stay tuned for the list of things I hope to accomplish on my work hiatus...

So what is my plan? I don't really have one. I don't want to work in an office, or in retail. I have an idea for a small business that I hope I can pull off. But if I can't? I guess I'll figure something out. But after Friday... I'M UNEMPLOYED! scary!

Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm procrastinating

I have to clean the bathroom. I meant to do it Friday, but then I started watching TV. I thought I'd do it Saturday, but then Mr. Pants and I caught up on the TiVo. Then yesterday I spent way too long searching the stores for a Wii. So today I left work with the plan to come home and clean the bathroom.

Instead I came home, dug through my closet looking for things to space bag.

Then I had some lime chili almonds.

Then I watched about 12 minutes of Studio 60 (why is it on Bravo all day?)

Then I came out here, turned on the computer and decided to bore ya'll with a blow by blow description of the last 45 minutes of my life.

Minus the part where I stood in the foyer speaking French to the cats. And when they ignored me, I tried Spanish.

Gives new meaning to the term Crazy Cat Lady.

Friday, January 19, 2007

9 p.m.- on a Friday night

And I'm in my pjs, watching Harry Potter 3 and trying to stay awake until Mr. Pant's plane lands.

I used to just being getting ready to go out at 9 on a Friday night.

I hate being old.

But a good cure for feeling like you're well past your prime? Going to see Bob Seger.

Now it wasn't Bob's timeless tunes that helped to realize that age ain't nothing but a number.

It wasn't the fact that Bob himself is only 8 years younger than my dad and still kicks ass in concert.

It was being the second youngest person in the Spectrum last night. (I say second youngest because Violet is about 6 weeks younger than me.

Seriously. The crowd was OLD. But they danced like fools, sang along with Bob and generally seemed to have a good time.

Except for the grandpa in front of me, who had to be about 65 and smoked pot through the entire show. I don't smoke pot or cigarettes anymore (there was a time that I did smoke pot-(high school) and I stopped smoking cigs last year) so I was unaware of how much the pot smell was going to bother me. I kept coughing from it and it was making me rather grouchy. I think the fact that I hate people so much and have such minimal interactions with the outside world is making me socially awful.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Suck it NBC!!

"Daytime soap Passions has been canceled after an eight-year run to make room for a fourth hour of Today, which will air on all network affiliates, though only about half will initially air all of Today in a continuous block, says NBC Universal Television president Jeff Zucker. The worsening economics of daytime soaps led NBC to choose expanding Today. Passions will likely finish its run in August, but NBC is discussing continuing the soap on a cable network (such as SoapNet) or online. Zucker suggested that NBC's only other soap, Days of Our Lives, is unlikely to continue past 2009."

That's from USA Today.

While I'm ecstatic to see Passions get the boot and JERk end up unemployed (thanks for ruining Days, douchebag), I am really sad NBC is dumping Days of Our Lives come 2009. NBC daytime is a part of my history. It was Christmas break 1986 when I stumbled across Days of Our Lives. Emma was murdered and Kimberly looked very guilty. I watched every day while I was on vacation and made my dad tape (with an audio tape because we didn't have a VCR) the show daily. I picked up watching Another World and Santa Barbara too, but only during summer breaks. I grew out of Days when Steve died... And really stopped watching when Kayla took up with Shane. I wandered back in around the time Sami was trying to get Austin (the first time) and followed through the delicious Vivian buries Carly alive plot (aaahhhh... Louise Sorel's Viv was awesome!). I headed back out when Marlena was possessed and John Black was a priest(?) or some shit like that. I kept and eye on what was going on on Days through the years, but I came back full time this spring when Steve returned. And now Zucker is saying they probably won't renew it after 2009. I get why... Soaps have big casts and are expensive to run, and don't bring in much revenue or key demos... But Days! I love it. Awww...I'm all sad now. Don't kill Days, NBC!!!

Mr. Pants is in AZ this week. I've been amusing myself with Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 7 DVDs in anticipation of the comic book form of season 8. So much suck, so little time. I found a lot of fault when this season aired, but watching it all condensed like this (4 or 5 eps a night) is totally bringing the suck to the forefront. Army of Slayers? Super Vamp? The First? Potentially dead Giles? Magic isn't crack anymore Willow? Buffy loves Spike but not really? Caleb? Yuck! It's like the writers decided to toss out all of the mythology that got the series to season 7. And not just the Vampire myths, but the slayer myth, the scoobies history, and Spike's backstory. I've always maintained that when Buffy died in Season 5 the show died. I liked maybe 2 eps of season 6 and 1 of season 7. I kinda feel like I'm torturing myself, but I want to get through it. It has given me a greater appreciation of Anya...she's been the best part of these eps.

Tomorrow night Violet & I are going to be rocking out at Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band. I can't wait. So I'm off to actually listen to the new album (which I bought when it came out, but haven't listened to since) but I'm hoping Bob plays a lot of the oldies!

I'm out... I'm having Top Ramen for dinner. Does anyone else remember it being called Oodles of Noodles or Ramen Pride when we were kids?