Monday, January 22, 2007

I'm procrastinating

I have to clean the bathroom. I meant to do it Friday, but then I started watching TV. I thought I'd do it Saturday, but then Mr. Pants and I caught up on the TiVo. Then yesterday I spent way too long searching the stores for a Wii. So today I left work with the plan to come home and clean the bathroom.

Instead I came home, dug through my closet looking for things to space bag.

Then I had some lime chili almonds.

Then I watched about 12 minutes of Studio 60 (why is it on Bravo all day?)

Then I came out here, turned on the computer and decided to bore ya'll with a blow by blow description of the last 45 minutes of my life.

Minus the part where I stood in the foyer speaking French to the cats. And when they ignored me, I tried Spanish.

Gives new meaning to the term Crazy Cat Lady.

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