Monday, March 26, 2007

Wii & Comic Books

For my birthday back in January Mr. Pants bought me a Wii. I've picked up a couple of games for it, but have not really found anything I enjoyed more than the Sports game that game with the game. When I left my last Company, one of the groups I supported chipped in and gave me a $300 gift card to Best Buy. I've been using that for mostly DS games, but this week I decided to treat myself to Cooking Mama & The Godfather backhand edition. I've been dying for Mario Party because Mr. Pants and I are very competitive but it was moved to June or something, so I thought Cooking Mama would be a cool substitute. It's not.

Basically you use the Wii -mote to chop, stir, crack eggs, etc. while following on screen instructions.


I'm 33.

And I'm playing some shitty, geared at kids game.

And losing at it.

I think I'll resell that one.

But the Godfather game kind of kicks ass. I am having so much fun playing it. If you have a Wii, I highly recommend it.

So today after work (yes, I'm working part time now). I stopped at the comic book store to get the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8 comic book.

Now, I'm a die hard Buffy fan. I know a lot of people will tell you season 5, 6 & 7 were lame, but I still watched them from start to finish. In fact I've even re watched the DVDs a couple of times (even season 7).

I've never read a comic book before today so my review is based entirely on how I think this translates to previous tv seasons. And maybe it's just because I've missed these characters, but I really enjoyed the comic. I'm strangely excited for the April 4th issue. I even got a little choked up when Buffy said she misses her mom & her old life. It made me wish this wasn't just in comic book form, but on my tv.

But maybe that's because I hate every fucking show that's on this season.

Except Prison Break. And that's only because it's full of hot, hot men.

Maybe I should pick up Season 1 of Supernatural?

Friday, March 23, 2007

Never say I don't share my knowledge

So Wednesday I went to interviewing skills class.

And I learned:
1. Never take your pet on an interview.
2. Don't wear a ball gown to the interview.
3. They may ask you 5 people you would like to have dinner with. Oprah is the #1 answer.

No wonder I can't find a job, I've been wearing my wedding dress, carrying Bean with me and bad mouthing Oprah the entire time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I have class

Monday's interview went exceptionally poorly. It maybe the worst interview I've ever been on. It started innocently enough, I told the gentleman that I was just getting over a cold and he probably didn't want to shake hands, to which he began to treat me like a leper. He babbled at me for 35 minutes, never once stopping to breathe, or ask me anything about myself. Everything he said seemed to run together in a long boring sentence. The cold medicine kicked in enough that I was just kind of mellowing out listening to his flow of words "My mother likes to shop at Sam's by my wife thinks tennis is a better activity and when we lived in Florida for seven years I danced the hula on American Idol". Ooookkkkkaaaay.
Then BLAM - "Wishy, tell me something about yourself I wouldn't know by looking at you."


Quickly my brain weeded through interesting Wishy facts:

I'm a rabid Ron and Fez fan, who spends 6 hours a day listening to the radio?
2 of my ex boyfriends are in jail?
I have 3 cats and like to make up elaborate stories about them to my husband to make him laugh?
I once shot a man in Reno just to watch him die?
I don't really drink, but once in a blue moon I feel the need to act like a frat boy on the night finals are over and drink myself to the point of puking?
I have tattoos! Here, here, here oh, and well I guess I shouldn't show you that one?
I watch hours and hours of mind numbing television?
I craft?

Yes! I craft! So I went into a long elaborate story of my love of all things crafty which I am terrible at, but really enjoy doing. I babbled on about the pillow I sewed last week for the cats to sleep on and the paint by numbers that occupy so much of my time now. He seemed okay with that answer and ran off to get me the next dude I was to interview with.

This guy greeted me with a curt hello and took me down to his office which gives new meaning to dank pit of despair. Every free surface was covered in papers, cds, and plans. There was no lights on and the window was blocked by a stack of binders easily 3 feet high. The first thing he said as we sat down was "I wish you had stayed home with your germs instead of bringing them to us." I resisted the urge to lean over, pick up his stapler and lick it. I apologized. He babbled at me for a few minutes and then sent me to the next gentleman.

He glanced over my resume, asked me if I had billing experience, I said no, he said they needed someone with billing experience and thanked me for coming in.

I told the first guy they were looking for someone with billing experience and he seemed shocked. So that was the end of that. 1st guy made some lame "well, we'll probably call you in for a second interview at the end of the week" talk, but I don't think I would go in anyway. The whole place had a vibe of despair to it.

But luckily Unemployment was actually kind of helpful yesterday and I am going back today to take an interviewing skills class. That should come in hand so I don't end up telling the women I'm interviewing with on Friday how many men I've slept with.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Vab O Rub and Interviews

I have an interview in 2 hours. Which I'm kind of nervous about because the recruiter and I have been playing phone tag for about 3 weeks now. I feel like this guy is my new best friend because we speak on the phone just about every day. On top of all of that I'm sick. I developed a bad cold last Thursday (you know, when it was 70 degrees in Philly) which I suffered through the weekend with. Today I'm left with a hoarse voice, snot running from my nose, a hacking cough and I stink like a combination of Vic's Vab-O-Rub and Halls Cough Drops. I'm sure I'm going to nail this interview.

Actually I better. I have officially been unemployed for 7 weeks. I am so fucking bored during the day I can not stand it. I've started to paint by numbers. I know! At least they're not the Jesus paint by numbers (yet).

I've been reading like a maniac though, which is good. Last week I read Rockville Pike by Susan Coll, Stiff by Mary Roach, Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult and I started Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill. Actually I started Heart Shaped Box like 2 weeks ago, I just can't seem to catch the groove on it. I picked it up because of the Stephen King connection (Hill is King's son), but I am just not feeling it. I'm about 100 pages in. I read that it picks up at about page 150, so hopefully I'll finish this week. I've been trying to limit my spending on books and I actually bought this one in hard back so I better like it enough to warrant a re-read, or else I guess I'll donate it to the local library.

I really hope I'm going to be able to back my car over the pile of snow behind it. I guess I should try that now, so I'm out there shoveling in my suit.

Fine. I'm off.