Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's thanksgiving- Do you care what I'm thankful for?

Good morning. I am in the process of making a pie, stuffing, candied yams, Shrimp, Salad dressing and baked brie. And by in the middle I mean sitting on my ass watching the parade. I feel like fucking shit today. Again. Still. I've been keeping how sick I've been feeling since we got back from the shore in September under wraps. Not sure why. But after another sleepless night with pain circling around my belly button, being headache-y and itchy. Weird symptoms that don't lead to anything. Who knows... I just wish I felt more like me. Looks like I'm headed to the doctor soon. Great.

So, I'm not thankful for my health right now.

However, I am thankful for the cats (even when brownie craps on my computer). Our house. That we're both still employed even with the awful economic situation. I'm thankful for Barack Obama. And that George Bush is being so conciliatory with allowing the new administration get a grip on things before Inauguration day. I'm thankful for my family & friends.

I'm thankful that I laugh like a mental patient every time Meredith Vieira makes an awkward transition during the parade coverage.

And that every time they say "Miley Cyrus is coming up" I shout "It's Miley" a la The Soup. And I giggle.

Alright, I'm going to cook and pull my shit together so I can go be with my family. But all I want to do is find cheap books to read on my Kindle (got Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married for $.24 yesterday - 24 CENTS! Who cares I've read it before?) and sleep.

Happy Thanksgiving. Have an extra serving of stuffing for me.

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