Monday, June 15, 2009

Love is Futurama, smarties and Stephen King

My niece is having a bit of a health scare. I don't want to delve into it, because it's her business, but let's keep Dinana in our thoughts, okay?

My weekend sucked donkey dick. Thanks for asking.

Work was also sub par (again).

I'm not smoking. Which has resulted in my eating and eating and eating. Toast and cherries, subway sandwich, chips and cookie, chicken breast, fries, rice pudding and smarties.

Yesterday my brother came up and fixed a bunch of crap here, after he left I got a huge amount of Chinese food and ate until I fell asleep. Woke up and read Duma Key until I fell back to sleep. Then drove to Mon-key's house and read until I felt like it was too late to go home. And of course once I settled into bed I couldn't sleep. Which led to facebook updating and texting with work friends. I fell asleep eventually but woke up a bunch. Tonight I am going to watch Futurama, read Duma Key and eat smarties. Then I'm going to sleep like it's a sport I can medal in.

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